Program PASTI BERSIH dan PANTAS PANDAI PGN Saka Mendapatkan Penghargaan Nusantara Awards 2024

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited yang merupakan anak usaha dari PGN Saka dan afiliasi PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina, mendapatkan tiga penghargaan Nusantara CSR Awards pada hari Rabu, 17 Juli 2024. Penghargaan yang diberikan tahun ini yaitu untuk Program PASTI BERSIH, PASTI PANDAI, dan penghargaan untuk Bapak Medy Kurniawan selaku Direktur Utama PGN Saka. Program PASTI […]
Inovasi PGN Saka Berhasil Mendapatkan Penghargaan CIP dan Lolos dalam Ajang Annual Pertamina Quality Award 2024

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (PGN Saka) sebagai afiliasi PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina berpartisipasi dalam ajang Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) Subholding Gas berhasil mendapatkan peringkat GOLD pada tahun 2023 dan lolos ke ajang Annual Pertamina Quality (APQ) Awards 2024. Inovasi yang diajukan merupakan optimasi produksi LPG dengan Instalasi LPG Plant Recycle Line di Area LPG Processing […]
PGN Saka Miliki Teknologi Data Real Time untuk Monitor Kegiatan Produksi Migas

PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) yang merupakan perusahaan hulu migas dan afiliasi PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina, memiliki teknologi untuk memonitor dan mengawasi kegiatan produksi minyak dan gas (migas) di Wilayah Kerja (WK) Pangkah, Jawa Timur. Teknologi ini yaitu Digital Twin yang merupakan teknologi untuk visualisasi dan mengumpulkan data real time melalui pemantauan dari jarak […]
PGN Saka Resmi Mendapatkan Perpanjangan Kontrak WK Ketapang Bersama dengan Petronas

Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) melalui PT Saka Ketapang Perdana yang merupakan perusahaan hulu minyak dan gas bumi dan afiliasi PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina, resmi mendapatkan perpanjangan kontrak dengan skema Production Sharing Contract (PSC) untuk Wilayah Kerja (WK) Ketapang yang berlokasi di laut jawa bersama dengan Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. (PCK2L) selaku operator. Kontrak […]
Jajaran Direksi Baru PGN Saka

Berdasarkan surat Keputusan Para Pemegang Saham Perseroan dengan nomor 029.K/0T.00.02/104/2023 tentang Pemberhentiaan dan Pengangkatan Direksi Perseroan, memutuskan perubahan direksi PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) berlaku efektif pada Senin, 04 September 2023 sebagai berikut: Memberhentikan dengan hormat nama-nama: Avep Disasmita dari jabatannya sebagai Direktur Utama Khostarosa Andhika Jaya dari jabatannya sebagai Direktur Operasi […]
PGN Saka Signed Contract for Sangkar Block Operatorship

Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) as an affiliate of PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina, just signed the contract for Sangkar Block Operatorship with the Government. The signing of Sangkar Block contract is the result of Phase II Direct Bid 2022 auction between SKK Migas and PGN Saka, witnessed by the Director General of Oil and […]
Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited Received GOLD WISCA 2023 & CEO Concerned Award

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL) received an award as a company that has implemented Safety Culture in GOLD Rating at the “WSO Indonesia Safety Culture Award (WISCA) 2023” event at Bidakara Hotel Jakarta, 27 February 2023. It is the third award SIPL received in three consecutive years since 2021. This award is obtained […]
PGN Saka Received GREEN PROPER and BLUE PROPER Award 2022

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL) and Saka Energi Muriah Limited (SEML) as subsidiaries of PGN Saka, affiliation of PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina, have been awarded the GREEN PROPER 2022 for SIPL and PROPER BLUE 2022 for SEML from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. PROPER is a Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management to […]
Pemberitahuan Pindah Alamat Kantor PT Saka Energi Indonesia

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PGN Saka Anticipates the Spread of Covid-19

PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) as an upstream oil and gas company, always prioritize employee’s safety. In accordance with the President directives regarding the spread of Covid-19 that has been declared as global pandemic and also circular letter from PGN and Pertamina, PGN Saka will significantly minimize face-to-face interaction between employees and external/public […]
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia Visit to Pangkah Working Area

PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka), the upstream oil and gas subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) has made several potential reserves discoveries in Pangkah Block, offshore East Java Sidayu-3 Discovery in 2015 This well discovered oil in Ngimbang Carbonat (DST-1) and Kujung-I Layer (DST-3), also discovered gas in Kujung-III (DST-2). The […]
PGN Saka 2018 Results

Jakarta, 29 March 2019 – On 8 March 2019, PT Saka Energi Indonesia (“PGN Saka” or the “Company”) published its audited consolidated financial statements for the period ending 31 December 2018. In 2018 PGN Saka recorded a net income of US$16 million, a turn-around from 2017’s net loss of US$93 million. The Company […]
PGN Saka Again Discovered Oil & Gas Reserves in Pangkah PSC through TKBY-2 Exploration Well’s Drilling

PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka), the upstream oil and gas subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) again discovered oil reserves in TKBY-2 Exploration Well within Pangkah PSC. PGN Saka has 100% participating interest in Pangkah PSC.TKBY-2 exploration well drilled by PGN Saka in offshore northern part of East Java […]
PGN Saka Continues Its Commitment of Exploration and Development in Indonesia

PT Saka Energi Indonesia (“PGN Saka”) have sanctioned the first phase of the Sidayu field development in Pangkah PSC, East Java, which is expected to complete and ramp up production by the end 2019. The Sidayu field is a shallow (approximately 15 meters) water depth development with four planned producing wells, located approximately […]
PGN Saka Uses BlackBerry Security System to Secure Cyber-threats

Jakarta, Indonesia – PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN SAKA) is the upstream oil and gas company subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) has become the first customer of BlackBerry® Unified Endpoint Manager (BlackBerry® UEM). BlackBerry® UEM is a software that delivers integrated endpoint management and integrated policy control for a diverse growing mobile […]
Second Patra Nirbhaya Karya Pratama Award for SAKA

A subsidiary of Saka Energi Indonesia, Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited received the 2nd Patra Nirbhaya Karya Pratama Award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources due to the achievement of 4,802,152 Man-Hours Without Lost Workdays Due To Accidents in the period of 15 January 2014 until 31 March 2017 based on Minister of […]
BPKP Audit and Cinta Karya Nusantara Awards

Saka just received awards from SKK Migas; BPKP Audit Awards for the achievement of follow up and settlement in 2016/2017 towards BPKP Audit Results in Profit Sharing and from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources; Cinta Karya Nusantara Awards Bronze category for its performance in the use of domestic product on upstream oil and gas business activity. […]
Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd Received Best Performance in Offshore Workover and Well Services

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL) a subsidiary of PT Saka Energi Indonesia, received an award from SKK Migas for the Actual Achievement of Best Performance in Offshore Workover and Well Services 2016category. The award was given on the day when SKK Migas held the Drilling Survey and Workover coordination meeting on 13 December 2016. SIPL […]
PGN Saka Again Proves Its Commitment through Mangrove Planting

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited again proves its commitment in developing Ujungpangkah coastal area. Concern about Work Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) has become part of the company’s value. On November 24, 2016, PGN Saka together with the invitees and the local community (Tirta Buana Fishermen Group ) plant 10,000 mangrove trees in Banyuurip Village, […]
Build A Place They Can Call Home – Saka Volunteer Program 2016

Saka collaborated with Habitat for Humanity together have the same commitment in improving the wellbeing of vulnerable families, one of which is building decent houses. Saka Energi Indonesia through Saka Volunteer Program encouraged its employees to volunterally involve in building five decent, simple and healthy houses for vulnerable families in Kampung Gang Menteng, Cijayanti […]
Saka Energi Indonesia Found Oil and Gas Reserves in An Exploration Well Sidayu-4V, Pangkah Block.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGAS), through its subsidiary PT Saka Energi Indonesia (SEI) once again found oil and gas reserves in an exploration well Sidayu-4V, Pangkah Block, offshore East Java. This exploration activity has been carried out to to follow the discovery of oil and gas in the exploration well Sidayu-3ST1 last […]
Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited Received Prestigious Award

Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL) received the prestigious award in the oil and gas industry. A while back, SIPL received the “Patra Nirbhaya Karya Pratama” category Man-Hours Without Lost Workdays Due To Accidents. The award was given in the event of Forum Komunikasi Keselamatan Migas 2016 organized by the Directorate General of Oil and […]
Pangkah Drilling Safety Performance

One year Pangkah Drilling Campaign achieved more than 500,000 worked manhours without any fatality, Lost Time Incident (LTI), even for First Aid Case incident and oil spill incident since the beginning of the campaign last year. Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL) drill the wells safely with PT COSL Indo using COSL HYSY 937 Offshore […]
Sukses Eksplorasi Migas, Saka Energi Membuka Peluang Baru di Lepas Pantai Utara Jawa Timur

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) terus menunjukkan kiprah positifnya di tengah gairah eksplorasi migas yang belakangan ini menurun. Melalui anak usahanya yakni Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited (SIPL), Saka Energi berhasil menemukan cadangan minyak di wilayah kerja Pangkah PSC, lepas pantai utara Jawa Timur. Saka Energi Indonesia memiliki […]
Saka Energi Temukan Cadangan Gas Setengah Trilyun Kaki Kubik

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN) terus menunjukkan kiprah positifnya di tengah gairah eksplorasi migas yang belakangan ini menurun. Melalui anak usahanya yakni Saka Indonesia Sesulu, Saka Energi berhasil menemukan cadangan gas dengan perkiraan awal lebih dari 500 milyar kaki kubik di wilayah kerja South Sesulu, lepas […]