Based on the Decree of the Company’s Shareholders – number 029.K/0T.00.02/104/2023 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Company’s Board of Directors, the change of directors of PT Saka Energi Indonesia (PGN Saka) is effective per Monday, September 4 th 2023 as follows:
Respectfully discharge:
- Avep Disasmita from his position as President Director
- Khostarosa Andhika Jaya from his position as Director of Operations
- Heri Suryanto from his position as Director of Exploration and Development
- Medy Kurniawan as President Director
- Achmad Agus Miftakhurrohman as Director of Operations
- Fuji Koesumadewi as Director of Exploration and Development
Thus, PT Saka Energi Indonesia’s new Board of Director is as follows:
President Director : Medy Kurniawan
Director of Operations : Achmad Agus Miftakhurrohman
Director of Exploration & Development : Fuji Koesumadewi
Director of Finance & Business Support : Jimmy Lambey
The inauguration and handover officially take place on Monday, September 4th 2023. Thank you for your dedication and contribution to the Company to Mr. Avep, Mr. Andhika, and Mr. Heri. Congratulations to Mr. Medy, Mr. Achmad and Mrs. Fuji for the new positions given at PGN Saka.